Top 5 Puzzles I Want Before My Next Competition

To keep myself from rambling on and on about where I've been, I'm back!

1. Carl's Bubbloid 5x5x4
I discovered this cube yesterday, and now I really want it. It's a 5x5x4 shape mod (obviously) and it looks really fun. I've heard that it's pretty hard, but I need a good challenge.

2. Calvin's Square-3
This cube came out about a week ago, and it looks really awesome. In stead of it being a literal Square-3, on one side it's a Square-1 and on the other side it's a Square-2 (do the math). You get the idea.

3. LanLan 4x4 Octahedron
This cube came out years ago, but I've wanted it for months now. There's not really much to say about it.

4. mf8 Crazy Tetrahedron Plus - Uranus
I've always wanted to try one of the Dayan\mf8 Planet cubes. They have 3x3s, Bermuda Cubes, Crazy Megaminxes, and of course, Tetrahedrons, witch I recently discovered. I thought that the Uranus version would be a good amount of difficulty (assuming that they range in difficulty from Mercury to Neptune).

5.MFJS MF8 8x8
This 8x8 came out in the beginning of August 2018, and it's now the smallest 8x8 at 68.5 mm, and the cheapest, coming in at 29.99. I'm actually going to be buying this cube in a few weeks, and I'm super excited!!!

Just keep in mind that these were not in any particular order, just in the order of which one came to my mind first. I do really want the 5x5x4 Bubbloid though.


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