2x2 PLL Algorithms

If there is one bar on the back side and two individual pieces on the left and right sides, face the bar to the left and do the algorithm: F R U R' U' F' if any other cases that have bars in them appear, face those to the left as well, unless you get the case where two (yellow, if you are color neutral) are opposite each other, you face one of the bars in front of you. It does not matter which bar. All cases that involve bars will use F R U R' U' F'. You may have to repeat R U R' U' F' a second time. If you get a case where there are no bars, all pieces in different places, face the cube so that the one yellow piece on the top face is on the up face still, but is in the bottom left corner, and do the algorithm R U R' U R U2 R' until solved. There are two of these cases, both which could appear in a solve.


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