Cubing Stories #1: Overlubing a Guanlong

So it occurred to me that being a fairly inexperienced cuber in the past, I've made some pretty bad decisions. So I'll talk about them in a series, Cubing Stories. So the YJ Guanlong used to be my main. Used to. Therefore, it no longer is. However, it's not great. It is quite slow. So I thought: " Why not put vaseline in it. Vaseline breaks down plastic, so maybe the Guanlong plastic is too thick. What could go wrong? " Okay, well what could go wrong?

Yeah. I was wrong. It was really weird. There was vaseline oozing out the sides. I wasted about a fourth of the container. On the bright side, it made the cube faster. So I was NOT totally wrong.

Okay maybe I was...


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