
Showing posts from May, 2018

Why my Comments Don't Go Viral

This one is irrelevant... Why do my comments not go viral? Here are some theories. Because my avatar is a Skewb. Because... I got nothing. However, I did get a comment that has 15 likes! But I am serious about the Skewb being my avatar.

Flagship Rivalries: S1 Tournament 3 | I Think we Know Who'll Win!

Alright, Gan Air SM vs. Yuexiao Pro. Let's do this. The magnets in the Sm have a tactile feel. While the Yuexiao Pro does not, it has slots for magnets, and a stock magnetic version. The SM has squared off corners, which prevents corner twisting, but the YuexiaoYue Pro doesn't have them either, so... The y have a good speed, the SM being faster. So, the winner is... Yanny! I mean, the SM. But let me know: Which did you hear? Yanny or Laurel?

Cubing Stories #1: Overlubing a Guanlong

So it occurred to me that being a fairly inexperienced cuber in the past, I've made some pretty bad decisions. So I'll talk about them in a series, Cubing Stories. So the YJ Guanlong used to be my main. Used to. Therefore, it no longer is. However, it's not great. It is quite slow. So I thought: " Why not put vaseline in it. Vaseline breaks down plastic, so maybe the Guanlong plastic is too thick. What could go wrong? " Okay, well what could go wrong? Yeah. I was wrong. It was really weird. There was vaseline oozing out the sides. I wasted about a fourth of the container. On the bright side, it made the cube faster. So I was NOT  totally wrong. Okay maybe I was...

Cyclone Boys G6 6x6 Review

The G6 came out in January 2017, making it fairy new. It's 19.99 in most stores, so it's cheaper than most of today's 6x6s. It has a soft swishy feel, which is not what I expected for a cube coming from Cyclone Boys, as I feel they make quite scratchy cubes. The corner cutting is not great. It can't cut much without getting those Shengshou type lockups. I also haven't had a popping problem, except when a whole quarter of the cube exploded. Overall, this is a really good cube, and I would recommend it to most 6x6 solvers. Anyway, thats all for today. Bye!

Flagship Rivalries S1 Tournament 2: Valk 3 vs. Yuexiao Pro

 General Facts: Both cubes are fairly new, the Valk 3 being older. Speed/ Feel: Esentially, we are going to be using everything from last time for the Valk 3. So the Valk isis fast and buttery, and slightly crunchy, while the Yuexiao Pro is smooth, crispy, and slower. However, I've heard if you put original Yuexiao springs in there, it gets much faster. So this round is a draw. Corner Cutting: Both cubes have on parr corner cutting, however, the valk does better, because it does not lock up when corner cutting. Pops\Lockups\Corner Twists: The Yuexiao Pro has rare corner twist and pops, and has no problems with either locking up or catching. The Valk can catch because of the squared off corners, but corner twists are prevented. Pops also don't generally occur, but this is just based off my research and could be different. Overall, I have to give this one to the Yuexiao Pro. Stay tuned for next time, when the Yuexiao Pro will compete against the ultimate master: The Gans