How to use the Tensioning Tools That Come with the GuoGuan Yuexiao Pro

First off, these tools are only to get even tensions, but can help with the tensioning, as once the caps are taken off, the centers go inward, because the springs are shorter than normal. I tried an AoLong V2 spring swap, because there was a lot of spring noise, but that did not work because the AoLong springs are too long. That said, lets move on.

First, disassemble your cube and take off the caps. Next, insert the tools as shown in the picture below:

Then, use the screwdriver that comes with the cube to tighten until the screwdriver won't go. Make sure you use the left and right centers like in the picture, because these are the sides perpendicular to the tools, so the tensions will  only become even if you use those sides. You can also loosen the cube, because the tools help improve recognition in even tensions. These tools should work on any cube with the same center design as the Yuexiao Pro, and may work on other cubes. Repeat this step for all the other centers, and make sure you be careful pulling out the tools, especially if you tightened the cube instead of loosening it. Have fun and enjoy your evenly tensioned cube. Remember, this is a very stable cube, so you can make it very loose while it won't pop. It will corner twist though, so make sure it isn't too loose. Anyway, that's all for today. Bye!


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