Guanlong Plus Review

The original Guanlong was a decent cube at a decent price. However, now that the new version has been released, how many improvements has this cube made over the old one, and is it right for you? To start off, the turning of this cube is fast and slightly crunchy. It has sub parr corner cutting because much force is needed for just 45°. It has squared off corners, which do prevent corner twisting but minor catches still occur. After lubing with Traxxas 50K, and breaking it in over about 20 solves this cube is pretty good. I now have a new PB of 16.95 seconds and I can get pretty much my normal times on this cube. Honestly, I could not really use this cube as my main though, because the catches get on my nerves, and it just is not up to standards with today's cubes. This cube would be good for beginners, or people who want a cheap and well performing cube.


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