25 Things Cubers Hate

  1. Pops
  2. Plus 2s
  3. DNFs
  4. PB fails
  5. You can't get good times
  6. Stepping on a pyraminx 
  7. Hand cramps
  8. Hand cramps during an OH solve
  9. Dropping a cube
  10. Rubik's brand
  11. Clock
  12. 8x8 isn't an event
  13. 6BLD isn't an event
  14. Lockups
  15. Pops
  16. POPS
  17. Getting a pop in a comp
  18. There are no competitions near you
  19. 1x1s
  20. Lockups
  21. You took too long to inspect
  22. When a cube breaks
  23. Pops
  24. Your mains are outdated
  25. Your order didn't ship


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