
Showing posts from May, 2017

My Color Scheme

So, I finally got around to solving my 3x3. So I then decided to make a color scheme. I came up with the christmas color scheme. And it isn't christmas. Its May 28.

The ?3

JRCuber Uploaded a video!

(Click Keep Reading)

Solving 2 of my Puzzles Remix

Solving 2 of my Puzzles

Painting my 1x1 (Time Lapse)

Happy Late April Fools!

If only I were this fast...or am I?

When you want to get a world record, but your Stackmat is made out of Marbles (Fast)

When you want to get a World Record, but your Stackmat is made out of Marbles (Slow)

When you Want to get a World Record, but your Stackmat is made out of Marbles

RBKube Review

RBKube is not really a cube. It is an app. On this app, you can solve any WCA puzzle, cuboid, Minx, almost any puzzle you can imagine. You can download it here:  RBKube . Pros: The app does not take long AT ALL to load. Turning is nice, and the cube/cubes are easy to rotate. All you have to do is swipe next to the puzzle. Cons: I don't have any that I can think of. The app is very nice overall.

Rubik's Cube Expiriment

The other day, I did an expiriment where you put dirt in a 3x3. The dirt dries up the vaseline and makes the cube deficient of lube. Since it was a good, nimble and adroit cube, I regret doing that.

Top 5 Cubing Terms Every Cuber Should Know

1: Parity Parity is an unsolvable case. It can happen on any cube, but is quite rare. 2: Algorithms I know, every cuber knows what algorithms are. 3: Moyu It is not exactly a term, but it is a company that makes very good cubes. 4: PB PB stands for Personal Best. 5: Dollar Store Cube A dollar store cube is a very bad cube, usually bought for a dollar.

6 Sided Checker Board 2x2 Pattern

Algorithm: U R F2 U R F2 R U F' R After executing this algorithm, you may notice that one corner is oriented wrong. If your cube is loose enough, you can rotate the one corner untill all six sides are checkerboards, and you're done!

I Don't Really Have a YouTube channel!

If you have seen my SuperCube199 YouTube channel trailer, there may be confusion about wether I have a YouTube channel or not. I do not. Yet. I will on my birthday though. Just wanted to clear that up.

What kind of Cuber are You? - Rubik's Cube Personality Quiz

1. Gear or Barrel? A. Gear B. Barrel 2. Are you a competitor or a collector? A. Competitor B. Collector 3. Speedcuber or Figdeter? A. Speedcuber B. Fidgeter 4. World Record or Last Layer Skip? A. Last Layer Skip B. World Record 5. YouTube Cuber or Unpopular Cuber? A. YouTube Cuber B. Unpopular Cuber 6. Amazon or The A. B. Amazon Answers: If you answered more Bs than As, you are a collector. You only know how to solve a 3x3, and take an interest in collecting. If you answered more As than Bs, you are a speedcuber. You are determined to get the World Record, and are constantly learnig to solve new cubes. If you answered all As, you are a competitive cuber. You look at WCA every day to see if there are new competitions, and are always practicing. If you answered all Bs, you are an unpredictable cuber. You go wherever cubing takes you. If none of these sound like you, then let me know in the comments.

2x2 Comedy

Just an idea I thought of last night. Nothing big, but it is funny. Enjoy!  

Should Barrel, Gear, and Mirror Cube be a WCA event?

Should Barrel, Gear, and Mirror Cube be a WCA event? Yes, because they're popular, and Rubik's Magic no longer is in the WCA. No, because they are not as popular as the MxMxM series of cubes. The answer: I think they should. A lot of people probably get tired of Skewb and Square 1.

A is for Algorithms: A Cubing Alphabet

A is for Algorithms B is for Bandaged Cube C is for Cubing D is for Dayan E is for Eastsheen F is for Feliks Zemdegs G is for God's Number H is for How to solve a 2x2 I is for iCuboid J is for JrCuber K is for Kilominx L is for Lingpo M is for Moyu N is for Non-WCA O is for OLL P is for PLL Q is for QiYi R is for Rubik's Cube S is for Shengshou T is for Two x Two U is for Up face V is for Van Deventer W is for WCA X is for eXaminx Y is for You Can do the Rubik's Cube! Z is for ZZ-CT

What is legoboyz3!'s 2x2 Main?

What is legoboyz3!'s 2x2 main? I really am not sure. I cannot figure out if it's the Dayan or the Lingpo. Here are some links to his main videoes: His mains 3 months ago His mains 9 months ago

Bad Rubik's Cube Jokes that I Made up

Q: What did the 2x2 say to the 3x3? A: Ortega is faster. Q: What did the cuber say when he superflipped his Teraminx? A: Hello Swirly.

JrCuber or legoboyz3?

I know I have never done this before, but I decided to do one of these every Friday. I just came up with the idea. The way it works is I pick two cubing youtube channels, cubers, etc., and I try to decide which one I like better. Today it will be two cubing youtube channels:  JrCuber  and  legoboyz3 . So let's get straight to it! JrCuber: Well, he does not make as many videoes as legoboyz3, but he has more unboxings and reviews than legoboyz3, and he goes to more competitions. All true information legoboyz3! On the other hand, leogboyz3 has more challenges and entertainment videoes, but still has some unboxings and reviews. All true information So which one? I'm at odds deciding. They both are my favorites, so I guess they're even. Well, that's it for this weeks who vs. who. Thanks for reading! Bye.

2x2 PLL Algorithms

If there is one bar on the back side and two individual pieces on the left and right sides, face the bar to the left and do the algorithm: F R U R' U' F' if any other cases that have bars in them appear, face those to the left as well, unless you get the case where two (yellow, if you are color neutral) are opposite each other, you face one of the bars in front of you. It does not matter which bar. All cases that involve bars will use F R U R' U' F'. You may have to repeat R U R' U' F' a second time. If you get a case where there are no bars, all pieces in different places, face the cube so that the one yellow piece on the top face is on the up face still, but is in the bottom left corner, and do the algorithm R U R' U R U2 R' until solved. There are two of these cases, both which could appear in a solve.

How Feliks is Spelled, and how Rubik's is Spelled

A lot of people get confused about how Rubik's is spelled. Some say Rubik, no 's. Most people say Rubix, and once, I saw it spelled Rubic. What horror. In case you did not know, it actually is spelled Rubik's. Alongside that, I've also seen people spell Feliks (as in Feliks Zemdegs) Felix. Both of those spellings do exist, but Feliks is actually how you spell it.

All the 3x3 World Records that I Know About

Keaton Ellis 5.09 Lucas Etter 4.90 Mats Valk 4.74 Feliks Zemdegs 4.73 Collin Burns 5.25 (These are all links).

Just a Reminder

If you don't already know, you can click the keep reading button in the bottom left corner of each post if you don't see all of the post. I think easpecially videoes don't get shown beacase they are too big.

New Sticker Mod this Summer - Duct Tape Cube

Hey guys, what's up, its JARCG, and today I'll be telling you about my upcoming sticker mod, the Duct Tape Cube . I was planning to do it this summer. It sounds quite easy, and I got the inspiration from RedKB. If you want to do this, all you need is a blank Rubik's Cube, six rolls of Duct Tape, and an Exacto knife. All you need to do is put the right amount of Duct Tape so that it covers each side, and cut in the ridges that make that make the cube turn with your Exacto knife. If this does not sound easy, you can click on the blue Duct Tape Cube. It's a link to the video.

Rubik's Cube Notations

Notation is the way that you turn the cube. Here are all 21 moves: R for Right L for Left D for Down U for Up F for Front B for Back M for Middle These moves are all clockwise. If you see an ' in front of a move, you turn counterclockwise: * R' L' D' U' F' B' M' Lastly, if you see a 2 in front a move you turn twice: R2 L2 D2 U2 F2 B2 M2

Rubik's 3x3 Review

Pros: The cube never has popped, and I can't get it apart. The cube is also quite adroit but silicone wears off on this cube, so lubricate it with something else. (Silicone does make it faster, though). Cons: The cube is tiled. The tiles get scratched up. Also, the yellow does not really fit my taste.

New Intro


2x2 Patterns

Checkerboard: U2 B2 R2 B2 Staircase/Fidget Spinner:  R U R' U' R' Cube in a Cube: Flip a corner.

2x2 Personal Bests

2x2 Single: 2.12 2x2 With Feet: Over five minutes, and my only feet solve was a DNF. 2x2 Average: I average about 15 seconds. 2x2 One Handed: 7.37 2x2 Bld: It was too hard.

It's May!

It's May now so school will be getting out. That means I should be posting more things. Don't forget, I have my summer unboxing soon.

Magic Rubik's Cube