
Am I Still Alive?

No, I died, so I'm writing this from heaven. All joking aside, YES I AM. Now you're probably thinking: OH MY GOSH IT'S THAT GUY WHO HASN'T POSTED SINCE AUGUST 16!!!!!!! Still I didn't die. "I have a life." You should get that joke.

Top 5 Puzzles I Want Before My Next Competition

To keep myself from rambling on and on about where I've been, I'm back! 1. Carl's Bubbloid 5x5x4 I discovered this cube yesterday, and now I really want it. It's a 5x5x4 shape mod (obviously) and it looks really fun. I've heard that it's pretty hard, but I need a good challenge. 2. Calvin's Square-3 This cube came out about a week ago, and it looks really awesome. In stead of it being a literal Square-3, on one side it's a Square-1 and on the other side it's a Square-2 (do the math). You get the idea. 3. LanLan 4x4 Octahedron This cube came out years ago, but I've wanted it for months now. There's not really much to say about it. 4. mf8 Crazy Tetrahedron Plus - Uranus I've always wanted to try one of the Dayan\mf8 Planet cubes. They have 3x3s, Bermuda Cubes, Crazy Megaminxes, and of course, Tetrahedrons, witch I recently discovered. I thought that the Uranus version would be a good amount of difficulty (assuming that they rang

Shengshou Master Pyraminx Review

Before you ask where I've been let me say: "I have a life! I do other things than work on my blog!" That's my explanation. Well, let's not get off track. Alright, let's get into it. The shengshou master pyraminx is 14.99 from The tips feel the same as the second layer. They're smooth and buttery, like most shengshou cubes. The third layer is a lot more crunchy. The shades are the newer shengshou shades, a lot nicer than the old shengshou shades, which were VERY dull. It's a mostly intuitive solve, with a couple sets of R and U moves. They really aren't algorithms, considering that they only are 4 moves. Overall, I really enjoy solving this cube. It's pretty easy to solve, and it's definitely one of my new favorite cubes. That's all for today guys. Bye!

My 3x3 Ao1000 Done!

I did it!!! But my timer doesn't keep track of Ao1000s, so What will I do? Here's my solution. I know it'll take a loooooooooong time, but I might enter all of my times into CStimer.

Why my Comments Don't Go Viral

This one is irrelevant... Why do my comments not go viral? Here are some theories. Because my avatar is a Skewb. Because... I got nothing. However, I did get a comment that has 15 likes! But I am serious about the Skewb being my avatar.

Flagship Rivalries: S1 Tournament 3 | I Think we Know Who'll Win!

Alright, Gan Air SM vs. Yuexiao Pro. Let's do this. The magnets in the Sm have a tactile feel. While the Yuexiao Pro does not, it has slots for magnets, and a stock magnetic version. The SM has squared off corners, which prevents corner twisting, but the YuexiaoYue Pro doesn't have them either, so... The y have a good speed, the SM being faster. So, the winner is... Yanny! I mean, the SM. But let me know: Which did you hear? Yanny or Laurel?

Cubing Stories #1: Overlubing a Guanlong

So it occurred to me that being a fairly inexperienced cuber in the past, I've made some pretty bad decisions. So I'll talk about them in a series, Cubing Stories. So the YJ Guanlong used to be my main. Used to. Therefore, it no longer is. However, it's not great. It is quite slow. So I thought: " Why not put vaseline in it. Vaseline breaks down plastic, so maybe the Guanlong plastic is too thick. What could go wrong? " Okay, well what could go wrong? Yeah. I was wrong. It was really weird. There was vaseline oozing out the sides. I wasted about a fourth of the container. On the bright side, it made the cube faster. So I was NOT  totally wrong. Okay maybe I was...